Solomon & Oscar at Bratz Biz 2015. Photo: Joern Rohde/
Our mom is an entrepreneur and she does Bizarre Bazaar, so through her we discovered Bratz Biz. We have made lemonade stands and got a bit bored of it, and wanted to take it to the next level. We came up with the snow globe idea because we thought no one else is making them, and we love snow globes! We also thought they were a perfect idea to sell in Whistler.
I (Solomon) thought it was going to be difficult to stand and sell all weekend at Bratz Biz, but I knew I could do it and I just went with the flow. It turned out to actually be quite a lot of fun.
I (Oscar) was nervous to talk with customers, but overcame my fear by being inspired by how other vendors did it. By the end of the show last year I was feeling quite open and comfortable.
Our greatest accomplishments as entrepreneurs was selling out at our first show. We are also very proud of our teamwork and how we worked together as brothers. At the show we worked really well together. Also, when we are making the snow globes we work beside each other in an assembly line.
Our parents help us shop for supplies and help us with our budget. They loan us the money for supplies and we pay them back after we have sold our globes.
It took quite a bit of trial and error to work out which glitter, glue and sizes of foam balls to use.
This year we will be giving 5% of all our sales to WAG (Whistler Animals Galore).