By providing space and support, Bratz Biz empowers young artisans to take individual art projects from development to sale and shows them how to turn a passion for the arts into a viable part-time income. Bratz Biz is entirely run by volunteers and many wonderful people are required to make this event possible. Please review the volunteer requirements below and contact us at info@bratzbiz.ca with your requested date, time and job.
Event Volunteers
Volunteers are needed throughout the weekend to sell draw prize tickets. Selling draw prize tickets provides a significant portion of our funding for the coming year.n Saturday from the hours of 10am to 11am. Tear down and pack our for everyone will be Sunday after 5pm.
Event Posters Circulated
Volunteers are being sought to put posters up at designated locations throughout Whistler & Pemberton.
Door Prize Pick-Ups
Volunteers are needed to pick-up door prizes up at locations throughout Whistler & Pemberton.
Venue Set Up and tear down
Setting up of the Venue will take place at the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural centre parking lot from 2pm onward on the Friday before the market. Vendors will be setting up immediately prior to the market on Saturday from the hours of 10am to 11am. Tear down and pack our for everyone will be Sunday after 5pm.